Novasol wants to involve all stakeholders as a partner in its NC care project and create a sustainable network for the future.
We are participating in supplier and in customer programs by sharing information, experiences and ideas.
Some of our current partnerships are:
ENI Open ES – Ecovadis
Cepsa sustainable program
BASF Supplier CO² Management Program
Voka Charter Sustainable Entrepreneurship (VCDO)
The Voka Charter Sustainable Entrepreneurship (VCDO) is an annual reward that certifies that the company took significant steps towards the realization of corporate sustainability. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) constitute the universal framework in this regard.
UNITAR certificate
Enterprises that have participated in the VCDO three times within a time frame of maximum five years and have implemented an action in each of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations during this period, receive a UNITAR certificate